Terrelle Pryor - Writing on the Wall


Jul 22, 2008
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By HD Handshoe - http://blog.BlockONation.com

Just like his buddy LeBron, Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor is "taking his talents" elsewhere, and the state of Ohio is better off for it.

Just 8 days after Jim Tressel resigned for the greater good of Ohio State, according to his lawyer, Pryor has followed suit.


This really is not a huge surprise for several reasons:

1-- Tressel made Pryor and the Tat-5 pledge to return if he allowed them to play in the 2011 Sugar Bowl. With Tressel gone, there's nobody left to hold Pryor and the gang to that commitment.

2 -- Last week, the NCAA and Ohio State launched a new investigation into Pryor's use of several "loaner" cars and other potential extra benefits he may have received.

3 -- Missing 5 games of his upcoming senior season with no guarantee that he would return as the starting QB after his suspension ended could only hurt his draft stock next April.

4 -- If you have to sell MVP trophies and gold pants, etc, for tattoos and rent money, it was time for you to go make what you can, while you can.

5 -- Most of Buckeye Nation has turned on Pryor and blame him for the departure of coach Tressel -- and so -- another domino had to fall.

6 -- Braxton Miller

Personally, Pryor will NOT be missed and this is another fine example of addition by subtraction. Terrelle was a me-first guy who has tarnished the school and the program by putting himself ahead of both.

A couple weeks ago, I may have been alone in feeling good about Terrelle leaving, but it looks like I was right about him all along.

Don't worry, there's plenty of room for the rest of you on my "Good Riddance Terrelle" bandwagon...
Shouldn't you have predicted this earlier if the writing was on the wall? :cool:
What's this I keep hearing about Kenny G being photographed inside Eddie Rife's tattoo parlor even after the Tatgate broke?
What's this I keep hearing about Kenny G being photographed inside Eddie Rife's tattoo parlor even after the Tatgate broke?

Channel 10's 6-o'clock News lead story after the T.P. Drama yesterday was that they had a photo (they showed it) of Kenny Guiton in the tat-parlor and he had signed some footballs in there but they couldn't say exactly when he was there though. Probably nothing being made into something but who knows now a days?
I feel like tuning out all sports media and not coming back to ohio state football until opening day....assuming we're allowed to play haha
Shouldn't you have predicted this earlier if the writing was on the wall? :cool:

Sure I had a strong feeling this might happen -- especially once Tressel stepped down -- but I'm not in TP's entourage so authoring an article speculating and suggesting that he was gone before-hand isn't very professional, nor would it have been well received by those who still wanted to defend and stand by Pryor before now...

Trust me number 2 (LOL), I have plenty of hate mail, posts against me on the HineyGate Forum, and on Twitter to prove that being objective and negative toward the program too early-on is very unpopular among Buckeye fans, and I just don't need all that drama.

It's funny to see now though all those who attacked me for my anti-Pryor sentiments long before now are killing the dude and throwing him under the bus worse than I ever did!!

Now it comes out that Pryor has been signing items and profiting in the THOUSANDS from dealings with photographer Dennis Talbot. Talbot has an eBay account "infickellwetrust" on which many TP signed items were sold, and TP has deposited checks into his personal bank account from Talbot to the tune of $20,000+
Remember how bad we wanted him out of high school? The chant of "We Want Pryor" at a OSU basketball the night before signing day?

While he is a hell of a player on the field, everything off the field will surely overshadow what he did on Saturday's
Solid writing..............not sure I agree with everything though...........
Sure I had a strong feeling this might happen -- especially once Tressel stepped down -- but I'm not in TP's entourage so authoring an article speculating and suggesting that he was gone before-hand isn't very professional, nor would it have been well received by those who still wanted to defend and stand by Pryor before now...

Trust me number 2 (LOL), I have plenty of hate mail, posts against me on the HineyGate Forum, and on Twitter to prove that being objective and negative toward the program too early-on is very unpopular among Buckeye fans, and I just don't need all that drama.

It's funny to see now though all those who attacked me for my anti-Pryor sentiments long before now are killing the dude and throwing him under the bus worse than I ever did!!

Now it comes out that Pryor has been signing items and profiting in the THOUSANDS from dealings with photographer Dennis Talbot. Talbot has an eBay account "infickellwetrust" on which many TP signed items were sold, and TP has deposited checks into his personal bank account from Talbot to the tune of $20,000+

hate mail is probably because you mistakenly call yourself block o :cool:, im glad so many have my back :biggrin: