Recent content by Dawg24

  1. Dawg24

    Steelers traded Santonio Holmes!

    Is it me or is the jets gonna be good this year??
  2. Dawg24

    Defensive Back Bradley Roby is a Buckeye!

    Welcome to buckeye country roby... Great get!!!
  3. Dawg24

    Buy T-Shirts for the Spring Game

    I'd get one but i have bills to pay next week. Wont have money until the week of the Spring game.
  4. Dawg24

    Go Bucks Beat Texas!

    I really have a good felling. My sister never wears OSU jersey and today she wore my 33 jersey to school today. Plus! My mom always gets off at 11pm but she's getting off at 7:30 tonight. Some weird day today! GO BUCKS!!!!!! OH YEA!!! I"m not taking my buckeye necklace off until it's over like...