Morning Joe News

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by TexasNut, May 28, 2013.

  1. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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    Something to think about.

    These school shootings and gun violence exploded on the scene about 30 years ago, roughly, I ask what has changed so much in our society over that 30 years.

    To flat out just blame gun seems irresponsible,
  2. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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    Does this help any, I think it may answer some of your questions

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  3. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    If you're looking at the divisiveness, then yes ... The realm of blame is definitely weighted to the republican side.

    Even when votes are won, republicans find ways to obstruct in any and every way (see Russian sanctions, abortion rights, healthcare, civil/gay rights, gun restrictions, etc). Saying dems and reps are both to blame is akin to Trump saying that "there were bad people on both sides" when the charlottesville driver tore through a crowd of protesters.

    The two sides simple aren't equally to blame, and yet you hit me with a sarcastic response when I point out the obvious truth of the matter.

    That's the frustrating part. It's a blatant truth, and we all know it ... but when someone says it, republicans roll their eyes and act like victims.
  4. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    Same gun ... interesting. Why then aren't both guns both used equally in shootings?

    Maybe it has something to do with design as well?

    But we can't study that. We also can't put restrictions on mentally ill people owning guns, track gun owners, require renewable licenses with regular testing and safety courses, limit magazines, because the very hint at doing any of that causes the NRA and reps assholes to quiver.

    Maybe we need to put all resources on the table and actually figure out what the right course of action is for the safety of our kids and population. Who knows, maybe we rethink the wheel on this one rather than sticking to a 200 yr old amendment as if it was written in stone by Zeus himself.

    All I know is that there's one side that's willing to at least try to think about it, and another side that is paid very handsomely not to.
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2018
  5. Block "O"

    Block "O" Super Sophomore Moderator Staff Member

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    Maybe to get the powerful gun lobby to the table possibly Hollywood can offer to stop making guns sexy in films and video games. If we are adding restrictions maybe limit how often we see guns and violence on the big screen and other popular culture outlets. If it's all about the children, they don't need to be saturated with that anyways.
    wesbranscum likes this.
  6. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    I don't disagree with that. American film in general has been diluted of emotional/sensitive value in favor of brash behavior and violence in a lot of ways.

    If you have time, this guy does a really good job of breaking that down in a microscopic character analysis of the female protagonists in The Lost World vs Alien ... I actually quite enjoy his take on film in general.

    PsykoSockPuppet and Block "O" like this.
  7. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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    If your talking gun control than I'll admit the Republican play a bug part. I took your post as blaming all problems on republicans, which simply is not true.

    I choose to look at it as everyone has bloods on their hands. Democrats and Republican are both guilty of use tragedy to push agendas, but things never get 4 month are democrats still going to be fighting for gun control, or are they going to go back to something else..

    I mean anyone can see the entire governmental system it a lock up and until some scratches someone back..

    Here's a perfect idea

    Dems: Agree to reduce entry of immigrants, invest in responsible border patrol. Illegals deported and anyone wanting entry must apply legally. Agree to gun ownership under strictor sanctions

    Rep: allow current illegals in good standing to apply for citizenship, allow for more green card to be allowed based on new and more strict regulations. Agree to responsible border security. Allowed tighter back ground checks. No felons or those with past/ current mental illness. Yearly background checks on buyers of "high risk" weapons..

    Theres an example for we can knock out 2 birds with 1 stone, yes I know immigration, is not being talked about. But our government is a scratch my back I'll scratch yours. Whether you want to believe it or not
  8. PsykoSockPuppet

    PsykoSockPuppet Well-Known Member

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    Discussions like this is why I love you guys, can't get this anywhere else it feels like.
  9. Block "O"

    Block "O" Super Sophomore Moderator Staff Member

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    That was great!!! Makes me miss some of the discussions that were in the film classes I took. I like his view on characters and character development (or lack thereof)
    AZBuckeye likes this.
  10. hollis

    hollis retired

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    Which of these leaders have cruel intentions:
    Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull of Australia
    Prime Minister Theresa May of UK
    Prime Minister Shinzō Abe of Japan
    Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany

    Also, that meme with the Ruger Mini 14 shows the Ruger without its magazine. Slap a 30-round mag on it, and anyone opposed to the AR will have the same feelings about the Ruger.
    AZBuckeye likes this.
  11. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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    I stand corrected should have used better wording
  12. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    Better idea. Screw this two party system, and focus on philosophical changes that will force change and encourage actual democracy/competition.

    That means campaign finance reform and congressional term limits. The US population should unequivocally fight for that with their vote rather than focus on issue-specific politics and banter that doesn't actually lead to any progress.

    It won't ever happen, but if we're throwing out perfect ideas, it's there.

    That being said, why would dems have to agree to anything in order to get yearly background checks and limited gun ownership for mentally unstable individuals? Shouldn't we just want that as a society? And if we don't, shouldn't we at least agree that gun violence and trends are something that our government should study?

    I also think that we should have a responsible immigration policy as a society, but to link the two as if dems don't want that is a bit odd ... It's not like deportations and border security ceased under Obama. There was a deescalation from the Bush era in his final 3 years in office, but it was by no means nonexistent.
  13. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    Glad you enjoyed. You should give some of his other breakdowns a watch.
    Block "O" likes this.
  14. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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    No, mental is a no go

    The year back ground checks would be any buying, say an AR. Each year they get check. Anytime their red flagged they lose privilege..

    When you talk about reform your preaching to choir, I think the whole system needs a reboot
  15. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    I don't know what you mean by your first bit ... "no mental is a no go"

    meaning: no guns for mentally unstable individuals, or no to restrictions?

    Honestly, I would gladly welcome any and every restriction that we can place on firearms bc even a slight victory gives us the ability to test the market and gauge trends to see if it's actually making a difference. Even those two restrictions would greatly decrease gun violence IMO.

    I would also love to limit/restrict ownership amongst known felons and give harsh penalties to illegal owners.
  16. hollis

    hollis retired

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    Not to further take us off-topic... but I disagree with you on this one. Not the finance reform (that's issue #1) but term limits.

    What do we gain by having fewer committed public servants and more populists. The most popular and successful congresspeople are generally very tenured. I don't think we would be better served by telling Ted Kennedy that his time in government was over in 1970. The Tea Party and Freedom Caucus are full of these one-term guys that ride populist waves then have no idea what they're doing when they get to DC. The House of Representative would be an even bigger disaster if it completely recycled every handful of years.

    The term limits are already there in re-election. What we need is a better educated electorate.
    wesbranscum likes this.
  17. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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    No guns period, for those flagged with mental instabilities.
    AZBuckeye likes this.
  18. wesbranscum

    wesbranscum Buckeye Extremist

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  19. AZBuckeye

    AZBuckeye Super Duper Moderater

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    That's a valid argument, and your call for higher education is absolutely on point.

    My counterargument is that a politician limited by term has a specific time frame to get deals done, but also has the ability to win over new representatives that haven't built up walls. After service, it's still possible to maintain a role as a mentor or advisor, but it still breaks apart the blockage we are seeing now.

    That being said, if term limits were enacted, I would want them to be much longer than our Presidential limits. I'm thinking 16-20 year limits.

    My biggest gripe is finance reform, though. Americans need to get together on this and demand it at this point. Money shouldn't be this prevalent in a democratic system that is by and for the people.
    hollis likes this.
  20. Block "O"

    Block "O" Super Sophomore Moderator Staff Member

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    I don't know how many of you have worked on campaigns or for an elected official but elections are not defacto term limits. The power of incumbancy is enormous and a huge hill to climb for anyone running for office to go up against. We already know before election night how 70-90% of the races will go.
    AZBuckeye and wesbranscum like this.

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